Someone asks:
So I'm writing a book.
I've got the first couple of chapters written.
And I have no experience what-so-ever.
Should I finish the book, or send it to the agent so she can help decide some parts in it?
Also, what sort of stuff do you put in the letter?
Plus, is it a 'Query Letter' or a 'Book Proposal'?
And should it be formal... Or should it be me?
Please and Thank-you! :)
My Answer:
OMG! BEFORE!!!!! (sorry for caps, that was urgent.)
You MUST finish your book before sending it out to agents. In your query, if you say, "I have a 20K novel, but it is incomplete" they will throw it in the trash can before they will get to your signature. Agents HATE that kind of thing, they would NEVER, EVER, EVER, (ever) even consider your book if it is incomplete.
Here is the website of one literary agent who stressed this thing, but I can't find the post. Here is his website:
It is called a query letter if your book is fiction, book proposal if your book is non-fiction (or that is at least how I understand it):
These blog posts should help you:……
It should be both formal and a little bit of you, esp. your writing style.
Phew *wipes forehead*. I'm glad I saved you from that. :D
Oh - I found a link, check out number 6:…
You MUST finish your book before sending it out to agents. In your query, if you say, "I have a 20K novel, but it is incomplete" they will throw it in the trash can before they will get to your signature. Agents HATE that kind of thing, they would NEVER, EVER, EVER, (ever) even consider your book if it is incomplete.
Here is the website of one literary agent who stressed this thing, but I can't find the post. Here is his website:
It is called a query letter if your book is fiction, book proposal if your book is non-fiction (or that is at least how I understand it):
These blog posts should help you:……
It should be both formal and a little bit of you, esp. your writing style.
Phew *wipes forehead*. I'm glad I saved you from that. :D
Oh - I found a link, check out number 6:…
A multitude of literary agent's blogs like Nathan Bransford and Janet Reid.
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